死にたい。もう生きる意味がわかりません。 高い建物さえあればしねるのにな。
Hello. My twin brother and I have been subjected to Feto political prosecutions and political trials. We have been subjected to human rights violations since 2017 and we are still being subjected to human rights violations. We are subjected to discrimination, marginalization and discrediting. For these reasons, our right to life and freedom are under threat, risk and danger. My family (my mother, father and sister) have also been and are being subjected to discrimination and marginalization because of what has been done to us, “claiming that we are Fetoists as a family”. (I am not gulenist, I am not terrorist, feto is real terrorist organization) My father is made to work for less than half of the minimum wage, one-fourth of the hunger limit, just because they know he has to, he has to work to avoid starvation, he is made to work 12 hours a day without overtime pay, they exploit our difficult situation, he is subjected to this treatment to survive because they claim that we are “conspirators”. Me, my twin brother and my brother are never given a job. We don't have a house, and when tenants find out about our situation, they either try to intimidate us by demanding ridiculous amounts of rent, or they forcefully evict us. This is what they put my family through. We meet all the requirements of your legal system for asylum. We want to seek asylum as a family. We have waited for years for the help of the international community, 8 years have passed and we can't take it anymore. We have decided to commit suicide en masse, because we have no hope. This is the last branch we will hold on to. If you ignore this email, when we end our lives, we will send emails and letters to the international press about who we have asked for help and what answers we have received, and we will let the press know what we have been through. In order to get asylum, we need a visa to the country. We can't even get a tourist visa for any country, we don't meet the requirements, because we don't have any savings. So we are waiting for your help - with one last hope - to get a visa, please help us get a visa. We don't have the mental and physical strength to endure anymore. We all suffer from PTSD, we suffer from severe chronic depression and severe anxiety attacks, we cannot leave the house, we have become obese due to these reasons. We are about to commit suicide. We will commit suicide as a family. Help us to seek asylum. Help with plane tickets to Japan. My siblings and I are university graduates, I am a biosystem (agricultural) engineer, my brother and sister are pedagogical counselors, my twin brother is an economist and has a background as a health inspector. My father was an accountant for years. Now he has to carry, place and deliver loads, even though his arm is crippled. I am a pantheist, my brother and twin brother are deists, atheists. Now me, my brother and my twin brother are not Muslims, so we have nothing to fear. We are now experiencing an identity crisis, we don't feel that we belong to this country. We can't take it anymore, please take care of our visa procedures. Save us. Translated with DeepL.com (free version) signature: 12c1d367404ad7be3d3419f7fe39979ecfb14588